Digital Painting Astrological charts
Here commissioners have had their astrology interpreted digitally.
every pixel and style choice tells, with great deliberation, the unique story of the sky at a specific moment and the person born under it.
works are accompanied with a personal explanation of these mysteries.
Graphic Art Avatars
These are avatars that commissioners have chosen to be rendereed in a modern graphic design art style.
Graphic design styling tends to be seen as simplistic and leads to many undervaluing the artists effort. Those with experience in the field know just how much work goes into even the simplest of designs.
The advantage of this style is that it allows for more intricate use of your natal chart. Take Alessandia’s avatar for example. Take the time to look and see just how many symbols attached to every aspect of the image.
These are not just nice pictures, they are heartfelt attempt by our artists to embody your celestial identity.
Traditional media
Illustration Avatars
These are avatars that commissioners have chosen to be rendered as hand-drawn sketches.
Aquarius with Scorpio Pisces Moon
each planet a snake’s eye of the head of a witch who considers her poison.
Aquarius with Scorpio Pisces Moon
each planet a snake’s eye of the head of a witch who considers her poison.